"But Seriously..." local artists' exhibit
offers bright colors, dark humor
San Francisco artists Rik
'Verlin Livingston, George
Riemann, and Mark .Ziemann
have joined forces in the "But
Seriously..." exhibit of their darkly
humorous paintings at Club
Waziema at 543 Divisadero St.
Owner Gidw Reshue, who comes
to San Francisco via Africa where
he raised cattle, offers a venue for
local artists to showcase their
foin the artists for a reception
on Saturday, March 11, from 7-10
p.m. The show will be on exhibit
from March 11 through April 22.
About The Artists:
Rik Verlin Liwngston's most
recent series of paintings, "Serious
ART!" is probably the longest
running body of work he's ever
done. "Though different critics
and patrons have told me that my
Assemblage Sculptures' are my
'important' work, I've always had
a soft spot for these humorous
paintings. I tend to think they're
more for 'the people' than the art
world." Livingston's work has
recently been shown at Anon
Salon and 2C Arts Gallery in San
Francisco, and The Studio
Gallery in Alameda.