This innocuous piece of artwork, The Dream Screen, byRik
Livingston, was banned by the Joshua Tree Chamber of Com-
merce Board of Directors, just when a show ofRik s art was set
to open at the chamber's offices. Based on Henri Rousseau's
famous, "The Dream, " Rik's work somehow was censored by
a board made up of a gallery owner, artists, and other creative
people. Chamber President George Kopp evidently responded
to our request for an explanation by sending it to somebody
else, as we never received any response from the chamber
whatsoever, but were able to read it published online. It didn't
answer our questions anyway. The chamber cobbled together
a compromise by opening night, and a Holiday Art Censorship
Show opens December 18 at the 29 Palms Creative Center &
Gallery, which isn 't afraid of the occasional boob—or worse! (pg.18)